Sunday, 23 August 2015

One Week Down

Well, I've officially completed my first week of classes. It's different to the UK, I'll tell you that.

Before we arrived, we were warned that there was a lot of work. We were told that the work was easier than what's expected at home, but there's a lot of it. This is absolutely true. Five days of classes in and I'm already drowning in reading. I'm sure to somebody used to this kind of work load would look at the amount of reading I have and laugh at my stressing. But the fact of it is, it's so much more than what I'm used to.

Let's be honest - the study schedule of a typical British uni year is sitting tight in lectures, doing a bit of background reading for your seminars, then leaving the bulk of reading/cramming until the week of your essay or exam. It's not the right way to do it, but it's certainly the most popular. And there's absolutely no way you could get away with that over here. There's required reading for every class ad if you don't do it, you really do feel like an idiot as everybody jumps on each question the lecturer asks. Everybody is so involved with their studies here, it's quite inspiring. Daunting, but inspiring.Maybe that's because class participation is a chunk of your final grade, but whatever it is, it certainly works to get people involved.

To get on top of all this work, I've bought myself a little planner. I feel like I'm back at secondary school, but I honestly think that's the only way I'll remember to do it all. I'm just going to have to get used to doing a little bit of work every day. Luckily, I have quite large gaps in my time table, and I'm finished for the day by 10am on Mondays and Fridays. So I have the time to do the work, it's just getting the motivation to do it that's going to be the tricky part. Still, hopefully I'll get into the habit and bring it back to Swansea for my final year. What an optimistic hope.

And of course, with the end of my first week of classes came the first weekend of the semester. Not really sure what to do with ourselves, Ashleigh (the girl I came with from Swansea - we're easy to remember since there are two of us) Grace (our new Scottish friend) and I were invited to a fraternity house party, which turned out to be a pretty chilled evening that broke almost every stereotype I had in my head about frat boys. The vast majority of them were lovely guys. One of them? Not so great. But I'll talk about him another time. The rest of the weekend has been spent flicking between reading and procrastinating, with a few meals and a quick trip Uptown in between.

I have officially had my first Target trip which, I have to say, I was irrationally excited for. I wish I had more time and money to spend there this afternoon. I also wish I could take 99% of the homewear and ship it off to my bedroom at home. I wanted SO MUCH. I foresee many a Target trip this next ten months. I'll apologise to my bank account in advance.

So now that a little spell of procrastination is done, I suppose I'd better get back to reading. Hopefully I'll get used to it soon enough!

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